Mat Kresz is an attorney based in Chicago. His practice includes a focus on cyber matters including data breaches, cyber security, and data privacy. Prior to law school, Mat Kresz earned his B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and served on the executive leadership team as CIO (Chief Information Officer) of a mid-size enterprise with Fortune 500 customers. Subsequently, Mat attended DePaul College of Law where he served on the staff of the DePaul Law Review and was a founding member of DCLO, the DePaul Cyber Law Organization. Mat interned at Motorola Solutions and CTLGroup (a leading construction technology consulting firm). Mat Kresz graduated with honors, Magna Cum Laude, and in the top 4% of his class with a Certificate in Intellectual Property, and CALI Awards in Legal Profession (Ethics) and Data Privacy Law. Mat’s practice is widely enhanced by his prior executive and tech experience in industry.